Monday, August 28, 2017

pronunciation link

pronunciation link

Hi girls. Remember to use this link for pronunciation

video rubric

Presentation Rubric

Pronunciation (What was understood)
The teacher could not understand anything.
The teacher could understand one or two words, but not enough to follow.
The teacher could understand some words.
The teacher could understand most of the words.
The teacher could understand everything.
Student did not stay within the time frame.
Student stayed within the time frame.
Key Phrases/ Vocabulary
Student did not follow the job´s outline.
Student used one or two key phrases from the outline.
Student used all key phrase from the job´s outline
Presentation Appearance
No presentation.
The presentation was not creative or have related information (proverb, not set design/costume o )
The presentation was basic and okay. It was a little creative, but not much effort was used.
Student made a video and it was well done.
Student followed instructions on introducing the film and produced a good film. It is organize and the costume and scenery made it easy to understand. It is clear that a lot of effort was put into it.  
Student read directly from notes, and it was obvious they did not prepare/practice at all.
Student did not memorize information and did not prepare much/at all.
Student had about half of the information memorized and appeared to have prepared a little.
Student had most information memorized and it was clear that they had prepared.
Student had all information memorized; flow and expression was great.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

video work

video work

A. Write your own proverb for living life.
B. In a group of four (4), create/make a skit showing how to use your favorite proverb in a real life situation .

1. Each group should have a director, at least two (2) actors, a costume/set designer and a camera woman.

Everyone in the group should help write the script.

Dialog Page
Directions: Write your movie dialog following this example. At least two (2) actors in your movie must speak.

Title: ´´Where´s Robinson?´´
Scene Location: 6:00 a.m. Classroom

Danielle: Good morning. Let´s start. Take out your dictionary. Class president, please help me with the dictionary check.

Student: Where´s Robinson?
Danielle: Umm. He´s having breakfast.
Scene Location: Kitchen. Robison is cooking breakfast. At 6:10 Robinson is eating arepas; 10 minutes later he´s drinking chocolate; 6:45 he´s eating an egg; at 7:05 a.m. he´s sleeping.
Scene location: 7:30 a.m. Classroom. Robinson walks into class.
Danielle: Robinson, you made it. Class finishes in 20 minutes!
Robinson: Well, better late than never.

The skit must be at least 3 minutes long.
Write your name your job paper!!!!

2. Each person in your group must explain how she did her job to the class.

3. Show/present skit to class

a.Director´s job

The name/title of the skit is _________________________________
I gave it that name because______________________________________
The skit takes place in (for example school)__________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________happen in our skit because_____________________________________________________


Hello. My is Danielle. I am the director for this skit. The title of the skit is ¨Where is Robinson¨. I named it ¨Where is Robinson¨ because he is always late for class. Danielle is in the classroom, teaching while Robinson is in the kitchen having breakfast and wasting time.

b.Set/Costume Designer´s job

I used ___________________ style of (clothes, furniture, etc.) in the skit because ________________________________________________________
___________________________________________ will use/wear these __________________________ because _______________________________

Hello my name is Danielle. I am the set/costume designer. The skit is set in the classroom and school kitchen. The skit is in the school because the characters are the students and the teachers.

c.The Actor´s job

My character´s name is _Robinson My character is an english teacher.
He/she is __30 years old. His/her attitude is always late at work _ because_he hates his job and he is always wasiting time.

Hello. My name is Danielle. I am an actor in this skit. My character is a teacher from the USA. Her attitude is very serious.

d.The Camera Person´s job

The skit is ______ minutes long. I used a __________________ to shoot the skit. I used a wide/narrow angle. I shot the skit in black and white/color because ________________________

Hello. My name is Danielle. I am the camera person for this skit. The skit is 3 minutes long. I used my camera phone to shoot this movie. I used wide and close up angles. I  shot the skit in color because the skit is funny.

Friday, August 11, 2017



Write one sentence for each of the fifty four (54) vocabulary  words.

This homework is going to be graded next monday before the exam,

Study hard. 

Good luck.




Hi girls.

These are the points for the exam.

1. Pronunciation 10 pictures, you have to pronunce the words.
2. Write the vocabulary word for the picture (spelling). 54 words.
3. Write one sentence for each of the following words,

CATCH      COME     GO     BUILD       THINK      SPEAK       DRINK      SOW     REAP   LEAD

DO               CAN       CRY      WANT     MAKE.


Choose five more vocabulary words (not the verbs) from the vocabulary list and write one sentence for each word.

4. Matching.
a. Match the english vocabulary to the spanish equivalent.
b. Match the english word with the correct english definition.
Example : COME
a. to move away
b. to move forward / toward   X
c. go away


Translate into spanish or english two proverbs. (the teacher will choose them).

Friday, August 4, 2017

Tuesday, August 1, 2017



Hi girls.

The homework for next class is to match the English proverb with the Spanish  equivalent.

You will have a grade for that.

Think about your favorite proverb. Be ready to explain how and when to use it. Also think why we have proverbs in our cultures. Be ready to discuss this topic in class.

Two heads are better than one. ( Cuatro ojos ven mas que dos).

That means: team work is better than working alone.

 Proverbs in English
1. a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
2. it's the early bird that catches the worm
3. Rome wasn't built in a day
4. think before you speak
5. as you sow, so shall you reap
6. the cure is worse than the disease?
7. love is blind
8. better late than never
9. time is money
10. better safe than sorry
11. it’s no use crying over spilt milk
12. if you want a thing done well, do it yourself?
13. the end justifies the means
14. you can lead or take a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.
15. two heads are better than one
16. all that glitters is not gold
17. no cows, no cares
18.  absence makes the heart grow fonder.
19. every cloud has a silver lining
20. Easy come easy go


Proverbs in Spanish
1. A lo hecho pecho
2. lo que por agua viene por agua se va
3. Donde hay fuego cenizas quedan
4. el fin justifica los medios
5. No todo lo que brilla es oro
6. el que nada debe nada teme
7.  puedes darle un consejo a alguien, pero no puedes obligarlo a que lo siga
8. cuatro ojos ven más que dos
9. más vale prevenir que curar;
10. No hay mal que por bien no venga
11. El amor es ciego
12. más vale tarde que nunca
13. el tiempo es oro
14. el remedio es peor que la enfermedad
15. antes de hablar pensar
16. Roma no se construyó en un dia
17. a quien madruga Dios lo ayuda.
18. más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando
19. lo que siembres cosecharás